Inbound 13, 1300, 1800 Numbers
If your business uses a dedicated inbound virtual number which terminates at a local or mobile number and you are looking to procure a new number or review pricing on your existing numbers, Telco Broker has access to multiple vendors that sell 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers.
These virtual numbers come with different price points, functionality, and inclusions, so ensuring that you are getting the right price vs features isn’t entirely straight forward, which is where our brokerage service can help.
Telco Broker has agreements with; and can source these numbers from a large range of virtual inbound number providers, we can also provide a review on what you are currently paying and put up to three options to review.
Our range of 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers offer the following functionality:
- Virtual service number connected to any desired local or mobile number
- Toll free and local number services
- Number hosting and management
- Geographical call routing
- Smart routing
- Analytics and reporting
- Marketing and advertising
- Post code mapping
- Caller ID routing and blocking
- Failover routing
If you haven’t reviewed your inbound virtual number contracts in the past few years you could be spending too much or missing out on newer features to help improve your productivity and efficiency.
If you are interested in reviewing your contracts or need new 13. 1300 or 1800 numbers, Telco Broker can organise three quotes from our network of vendors, saving you time and money. While our team of telecommunications experts can assist you with choosing the right service for your business requirements.
Call us on 1300 978 073 for more information.
Telco Broker has delivered telecommunications solutions including 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers to businesses all over Australia, across Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Tasmania, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western and South Australia.